const fmt = @import("std").fmt; const PSF_FONT_MAGIC: u32 = 0x864ab572; const PSFHeader = packed struct { magic: u32, version: u32, // Zero headerSize: u32, // Offset of bitmaps in file, 32 flags: u32, // 0 if no unicode table numGlyphs: u32, // Number of glyphs bytesPerGlyph: u32, // Size of each glyph height: u32, // Height in pixels width: u32, // Width in pixels }; const Font = packed struct { header: PSFHeader, data: [*]u8, pub fn dataLength(self: Font) usize { return self.header.numGlyphs * self.header.bytesPerGlyph; } }; const rawFontBuffer = @embedFile("Lat2-Terminus16.psfu"); const defaultFontBuffer = @ptrCast(*const [*]u8, rawFontBuffer); pub fn fromBuffer(buffer: *const [*]u8) ?*const Font { const font: *const Font = @ptrCast(*const Font, buffer); if (font.header.magic != PSF_FONT_MAGIC) { return null; } else { return font; } } pub const defaultFont: *const Font = fromBuffer(defaultFontBuffer).?; pub fn debugGlyph(buffer: []u8, font: *const Font, glyph_index: u32) []const u8 { if (glyph_index < 0 or glyph_index >= font.header.numGlyphs) { return fmt.bufPrint(buffer, "out of range glyph\r\n", .{}) catch unreachable; } const start = glyph_index * font.header.bytesPerGlyph; return fmt.bufPrint(buffer, "bytes: {x}\r\n", .{@bitCast([16]u8,[start .. start + 16])}) catch unreachable; } pub fn putchar(font: *const Font, dest: *[*]u8, c: u8, cx: i32, cy: i32, fg: u32, bg: u32, scanLine: u32) void { const bytesPerLine = (font.header.width + 7) / 8; var glyph = + (if (c > 0 and c < font.header.numGlyphs) c else 0) * font.header.bytesPerGlyph; var offsets = (cy * @bitCast(i32, font.header.height) * @bitCast(i32, scanLine)) + (cx * @bitCast(i32, (font.header.width + 1)) * 4); var x: u32 = 0; var y: u32 = 0; var line: i32 = undefined; var mask: u32 = undefined; while (y < font.header.height) : (y += 1) { line = offsets; mask = @as(u32, 1) << @truncate(u5, (font.header.width - 1)); while (x < font.header.width) : (x += 1) { var target: *u32 = @intToPtr(*u32, @ptrToInt(dest) + @bitCast(u32, line)); const castedGlyph = @ptrToInt(@ptrCast(*u32, @alignCast(4, glyph))); target.* = if ((castedGlyph & mask) - 1 >= (mask - 1)) fg else bg; mask >>= 1; line += 4; } glyph += bytesPerLine; offsets += @bitCast(i32, scanLine); } }