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Installed packages: Path | Version | Description | Location ------- | ------- | ------- | ------- add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-22 | 1.0.0 | Google APIs, Android 22 | add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-22/ build-tools;17.0.0 | 17.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 17 | build-tools/17.0.0/ build-tools;18.1.1 | 18.1.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 18.1.1 | build-tools/18.1.1/ build-tools;19.0.0 | 19.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 19 | build-tools/19.0.0/ build-tools;19.1.0 | 19.1.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 19.1 | build-tools/19.1.0/ build-tools;20.0.0 | 20.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 20 | build-tools/20.0.0/ build-tools;21.1.1 | 21.1.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 21.1.1 | build-tools/21.1.1/ build-tools;21.1.2 | 21.1.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 21.1.2 | build-tools/21.1.2/ build-tools;22.0.1 | 22.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 22.0.1 | build-tools/22.0.1/ build-tools;23.0.0 | 23.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23 | build-tools/23.0.0/ build-tools;23.0.1 | 23.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.1 | build-tools/23.0.1/ build-tools;23.0.2 | 23.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.2 | build-tools/23.0.2/ build-tools;23.0.3 | 23.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.3 | build-tools/23.0.3/ build-tools;24.0.0 | 24.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24 | build-tools/24.0.0/ build-tools;24.0.1 | 24.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24.0.1 | build-tools/24.0.1/ build-tools;24.0.2 | 24.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24.0.2 | build-tools/24.0.2/ build-tools;24.0.3 | 24.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24.0.3 | build-tools/24.0.3/ build-tools;25.0.0 | 25.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25 | build-tools/25.0.0/ build-tools;25.0.1 | 25.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.1 | build-tools/25.0.1/ build-tools;25.0.2 | 25.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.2 | build-tools/25.0.2/ build-tools;25.0.3 | 25.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.3 | build-tools/25.0.3/ build-tools;26.0.0 | 26.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26 | build-tools/26.0.0/ build-tools;26.0.1 | 26.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.1 | build-tools/26.0.1/ build-tools;26.0.2 | 26.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 | build-tools/26.0.2/ build-tools;26.0.3 | 26.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3 | build-tools/26.0.3/ build-tools;27.0.0 | 27.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27 | build-tools/27.0.0/ build-tools;27.0.1 | 27.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.1 | build-tools/27.0.1/ build-tools;27.0.2 | 27.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.2 | build-tools/27.0.2/ build-tools;27.0.3 | 27.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3 | build-tools/27.0.3/ build-tools;28.0.0 | 28.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28 | build-tools/28.0.0/ build-tools;28.0.1 | 28.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.1 | build-tools/28.0.1/ build-tools;28.0.2 | 28.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.2 | build-tools/28.0.2/ build-tools;28.0.3 | 28.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.3 | build-tools/28.0.3/ docs | 1 | Documentation for Android SDK | docs/ emulator | 28.0.22 | Android Emulator | emulator/ extras;android;m2repository | 47.0.0 | Android Support Repository, rev 47 | extras/android/m2repository/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout-solver/1.0.0/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha2 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout-solver:1.0.0-alpha2 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout-solver/1.0.0-alpha2/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta4 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta4 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout-solver/1.0.0-beta4/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta5 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta5 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout-solver/1.0.0-beta5/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.1 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.1 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout-solver/1.0.1/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.2 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.2 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout-solver/1.0.2/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout/1.0.0/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha2 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha2 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout/1.0.0-alpha2/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta4 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta4 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout/1.0.0-beta4/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta5 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta5 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout/1.0.0-beta5/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.1 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.1 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout/1.0.1/ extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.2 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.2 | extras/m2repository/com/android/support/constraint/constraint-layout/1.0.2/ ndk-bundle | 16.1.4479499 | NDK | ndk-bundle/ patcher;v3 | 1 | SDK Patch Applier v3 | patcher/v3/ patcher;v4 | 1 | SDK Patch Applier v4 | patcher/v4/ platform-tools | 28.0.1 | Android SDK Platform-Tools | platform-tools/ platforms;android-10 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 10, rev 2 | platforms/android-10/ platforms;android-14 | 4 | Android SDK Platform 14 | platforms/android-14/ platforms;android-15 | 5 | Android SDK Platform 15, rev 5 | platforms/android-15/ platforms;android-16 | 5 | Android SDK Platform 16, rev 5 | platforms/android-16/ platforms;android-17 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 17, rev 3 | platforms/android-17/ platforms;android-18 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 18, rev 3 | platforms/android-18/ platforms;android-19 | 4 | Android SDK Platform 19, rev 4 | platforms/android-19/ platforms;android-20 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 20, rev 2 | platforms/android-20/ platforms;android-21 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 21, rev 2 | platforms/android-21/ platforms;android-22 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 22, rev 2 | platforms/android-22/ platforms;android-23 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 23, rev 3 | platforms/android-23/ platforms;android-24 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 24, rev 2 | platforms/android-24/ platforms;android-25 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 25, rev 3 | platforms/android-25/ platforms;android-26 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 26, rev 2 | platforms/android-26/ platforms;android-27 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 27 | platforms/android-27/ platforms;android-28 | 6 | Android SDK Platform 28 | platforms/android-28/ platforms;android-5 | 1 | Android SDK Platform 5 | platforms/android-5/ platforms;android-7 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 7, rev 3 | platforms/android-7/ platforms;android-8 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 8, rev 3 | platforms/android-8/ platforms;android-9 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 9, rev 2 | platforms/android-9/ sources;android-22 | 1 | Sources for Android 22 | sources/android-22/ sources;android-23 | 1 | Sources for Android 23 | sources/android-23/ sources;android-24 | 1 | Sources for Android 24 | sources/android-24/ sources;android-25 | 1 | Sources for Android 25 | sources/android-25/ sources;android-26 | 1 | Sources for Android 26 | sources/android-26/ sources;android-27 | 1 | Sources for Android 27 | sources/android-27/ system-images;android-14;default;armeabi-v7a | 2 | ARM EABI v7a System Image | system-images/android-14/default/armeabi-v7a/ system-images;android-16;default;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-16/default/x86/ system-images;android-17;default;x86 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-17/default/x86/ system-images;android-18;default;x86 | 3 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-18/default/x86/ system-images;android-19;default;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-19/default/x86/ system-images;android-22;default;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-22/default/x86/ system-images;android-22;senecto;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-22/senecto/x86/ system-images;android-23;default;x86 | 10 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-23/default/x86/ system-images;android-23;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 30 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image | system-images/android-23/google_apis/armeabi-v7a/ system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a | 7 | ARM EABI v7a System Image | system-images/android-24/default/armeabi-v7a/ system-images;android-24;default;x86 | 8 | Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-24/default/x86/ system-images;android-24;default;x86_64 | 8 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image | system-images/android-24/default/x86_64/ system-images;android-25;fdroid_privext;armeabi-v7a | 1 | F-Droid Privileged Extension ARM EABI v7a System Image | system-images/android-25/fdroid_privext/armeabi-v7a/ system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86 | 15 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-25/google_apis/x86/ system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86_64 | 15 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image | system-images/android-25/google_apis/x86_64/ system-images;android-26;google_apis;x86 | 12 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-26/google_apis/x86/ system-images;android-27;google_apis;x86 | 8 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-27/google_apis/x86/ system-images;android-28;default;x86_64 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image | system-images/android-28/default/x86_64/ system-images;android-28;fdroid_privext;x86_64 | 2 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image | system-images/android-28/fdroid_privext/x86_64/ system-images;android-28;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 | 8 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image | system-images/android-28/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/ tools | 26.1.1 | Android SDK Tools | tools/ Available Packages: Path | Version | Description ------- | ------- | ------- add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-15 | 3 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-16 | 4 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-17 | 4 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-18 | 4 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-19 | 20 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-21 | 1 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-22 | 1 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-23 | 1 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-24 | 1 | Google APIs add-ons;addon-google_gdk-google-19 | 11 | Glass Development Kit Preview build-tools;19.1.0 | 19.1.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 19.1 build-tools;20.0.0 | 20.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 20 build-tools;21.1.2 | 21.1.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 21.1.2 build-tools;22.0.1 | 22.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 22.0.1 build-tools;23.0.1 | 23.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.1 build-tools;23.0.2 | 23.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.2 build-tools;23.0.3 | 23.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 23.0.3 build-tools;24.0.0 | 24.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24 build-tools;24.0.1 | 24.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24.0.1 build-tools;24.0.2 | 24.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24.0.2 build-tools;24.0.3 | 24.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 24.0.3 build-tools;25.0.0 | 25.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25 build-tools;25.0.1 | 25.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.1 build-tools;25.0.2 | 25.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.2 build-tools;25.0.3 | 25.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.3 build-tools;26.0.0 | 26.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26 build-tools;26.0.1 | 26.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.1 build-tools;26.0.2 | 26.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 build-tools;26.0.3 | 26.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3 build-tools;27.0.0 | 27.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27 build-tools;27.0.1 | 27.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.1 build-tools;27.0.2 | 27.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.2 build-tools;27.0.3 | 27.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3 build-tools;28.0.0 | 28.0.0 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28 build-tools;28.0.0-rc1 | 28.0.0 rc1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28-rc1 build-tools;28.0.0-rc2 | 28.0.0 rc2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28-rc2 build-tools;28.0.1 | 28.0.1 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.1 build-tools;28.0.2 | 28.0.2 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.2 build-tools;28.0.3 | 28.0.3 | Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.3 cmake; | 3.10.2 | CMake cmake;3.6.4111459 | 3.6.4111459 | CMake 3.6.4111459 docs | 1 | Documentation for Android SDK emulator | 28.0.23 | Android Emulator extras;android;gapid;1 | 1.0.3 | GPU Debugging tools extras;android;gapid;3 | 3.1.0 | GPU Debugging tools extras;android;m2repository | 47.0.0 | Android Support Repository extras;google;auto | 1.1 | Android Auto Desktop Head Unit emulator extras;google;google_play_services | 49 | Google Play services extras;google;instantapps | 1.6.0 | Google Play Instant Development SDK extras;google;m2repository | 58 | Google Repository extras;google;market_apk_expansion | 1 | Google Play APK Expansion library extras;google;market_licensing | 1 | Google Play Licensing Library extras;google;simulators | 1 | Android Auto API Simulators extras;google;webdriver | 2 | Google Web Driver extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha2 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout-solver:1.0.0-alpha2 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha3 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout-solver:1.0.0-alpha3 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha4 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout-solver:1.0.0-alpha4 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha5 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-alpha5 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha6 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-alpha6 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha7 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-alpha7 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha8 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-alpha8 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-alpha9 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-alpha9 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta1 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta1 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta2 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta2 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta3 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta3 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta4 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta4 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.0-beta5 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.0-beta5 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.1 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.1 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout-solver;1.0.2 | 1 | Solver for ConstraintLayout 1.0.2 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha2 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha2 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha3 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha3 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha4 | 1 | com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.0.0-alpha4 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha5 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-alpha5 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha6 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-alpha6 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha7 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-alpha7 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha8 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-alpha8 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-alpha9 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-alpha9 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta1 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta1 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta2 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta2 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta3 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta3 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta4 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta4 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.0-beta5 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.0-beta5 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.1 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.1 extras;m2repository;com;android;support;constraint;constraint-layout;1.0.2 | 1 | ConstraintLayout for Android 1.0.2 lldb;2.0 | 2.0.2558144 | LLDB 2.0 lldb;2.1 | 2.1.2852477 | LLDB 2.1 lldb;2.2 | 2.2.3271982 | LLDB 2.2 lldb;2.3 | 2.3.3614996 | LLDB 2.3 lldb;3.0 | 3.0.4213617 | LLDB 3.0 lldb;3.1 | 3.1.4508709 | LLDB 3.1 ndk-bundle | 19.1.5304403 | NDK patcher;v4 | 1 | SDK Patch Applier v4 platform-tools | 28.0.1 | Android SDK Platform-Tools platforms;android-10 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 10 platforms;android-11 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 11 platforms;android-12 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 12 platforms;android-13 | 1 | Android SDK Platform 13 platforms;android-14 | 4 | Android SDK Platform 14 platforms;android-15 | 5 | Android SDK Platform 15 platforms;android-16 | 5 | Android SDK Platform 16 platforms;android-17 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 17 platforms;android-18 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 18 platforms;android-19 | 4 | Android SDK Platform 19 platforms;android-20 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 20 platforms;android-21 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 21 platforms;android-22 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 22 platforms;android-23 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 23 platforms;android-24 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 24 platforms;android-25 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 25 platforms;android-26 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 26 platforms;android-27 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 27 platforms;android-28 | 6 | Android SDK Platform 28 platforms;android-7 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 7 platforms;android-8 | 3 | Android SDK Platform 8 platforms;android-9 | 2 | Android SDK Platform 9 sources;android-15 | 2 | Sources for Android 15 sources;android-16 | 2 | Sources for Android 16 sources;android-17 | 1 | Sources for Android 17 sources;android-18 | 1 | Sources for Android 18 sources;android-19 | 2 | Sources for Android 19 sources;android-20 | 1 | Sources for Android 20 sources;android-21 | 1 | Sources for Android 21 sources;android-22 | 1 | Sources for Android 22 sources;android-23 | 1 | Sources for Android 23 sources;android-24 | 1 | Sources for Android 24 sources;android-25 | 1 | Sources for Android 25 sources;android-26 | 1 | Sources for Android 26 sources;android-27 | 1 | Sources for Android 27 sources;android-28 | 1 | Sources for Android 28 system-images;android-10;default;armeabi-v7a | 4 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-10;default;x86 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-10;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 5 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-10;google_apis;x86 | 5 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-14;default;armeabi-v7a | 2 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-15;default;armeabi-v7a | 4 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-15;default;x86 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-15;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 5 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-15;google_apis;x86 | 5 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-16;default;armeabi-v7a | 4 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-16;default;mips | 1 | MIPS System Image system-images;android-16;default;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-16;google_apis;x86 | 5 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-17;default;armeabi-v7a | 5 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-17;default;mips | 1 | MIPS System Image system-images;android-17;default;x86 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-17;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 5 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-17;google_apis;x86 | 6 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-18;default;armeabi-v7a | 4 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-18;default;x86 | 3 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-18;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 5 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-18;google_apis;x86 | 5 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-19;default;armeabi-v7a | 5 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-19;default;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-19;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 37 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-19;google_apis;x86 | 37 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-21;android-tv;armeabi-v7a | 3 | Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-21;android-tv;x86 | 3 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-21;default;armeabi-v7a | 4 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-21;default;x86 | 5 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-21;default;x86_64 | 5 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-21;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 29 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-21;google_apis;x86 | 29 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-21;google_apis;x86_64 | 29 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-22;android-tv;x86 | 3 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-22;default;armeabi-v7a | 2 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-22;default;x86 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-22;default;x86_64 | 6 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-22;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 23 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-22;google_apis;x86 | 23 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-22;google_apis;x86_64 | 23 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-23;android-tv;armeabi-v7a | 12 | Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-23;android-tv;x86 | 17 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-23;android-wear;armeabi-v7a | 6 | Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-23;android-wear;x86 | 6 | Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-23;default;x86 | 10 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-23;default;x86_64 | 10 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-23;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 30 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86 | 30 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64 | 30 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-24;android-tv;x86 | 19 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-24;default;arm64-v8a | 7 | ARM 64 v8a System Image system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a | 7 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-24;default;x86 | 8 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-24;default;x86_64 | 8 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-24;google_apis;arm64-v8a | 24 | Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image system-images;android-24;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 24 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-24;google_apis;x86 | 24 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-24;google_apis;x86_64 | 24 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-24;google_apis_playstore;x86 | 19 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-25;android-tv;x86 | 13 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-25;android-wear-cn;armeabi-v7a | 4 | China version of Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-25;android-wear-cn;x86 | 4 | China version of Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-25;android-wear;armeabi-v7a | 3 | Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-25;android-wear;x86 | 3 | Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-25;default;x86 | 1 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-25;default;x86_64 | 1 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-25;fdroid_privext;armeabi-v7a | 1 | F-Droid Privileged Extension ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-25;google_apis;arm64-v8a | 15 | Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image system-images;android-25;google_apis;armeabi-v7a | 15 | Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86 | 15 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86_64 | 15 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-25;google_apis_playstore;x86 | 9 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-26;android-tv;x86 | 11 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-26;android-wear-cn;x86 | 4 | China version of Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-26;android-wear;x86 | 4 | Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-26;default;arm64-v8a | 1 | ARM 64 v8a System Image system-images;android-26;default;armeabi-v7a | 1 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-26;default;x86 | 1 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-26;default;x86_64 | 1 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-26;google_apis;x86 | 12 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-26;google_apis;x86_64 | 12 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-26;google_apis_playstore;x86 | 7 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-27;android-tv;x86 | 6 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-27;default;x86 | 1 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-27;default;x86_64 | 1 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-27;google_apis;x86 | 8 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-27;google_apis_playstore;x86 | 3 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;android-tv;x86 | 7 | Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;android-wear-cn;x86 | 3 | China version of Wear OS Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;android-wear;x86 | 3 | Wear OS Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;default;arm64-v8a | 4 | ARM 64 v8a System Image system-images;android-28;default;armeabi-v7a | 4 | ARM EABI v7a System Image system-images;android-28;default;x86 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;default;x86_64 | 4 | Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86 | 8 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86_64 | 8 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image system-images;android-28;google_apis_playstore;x86 | 8 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image system-images;android-28;google_apis_playstore;x86_64 | 8 | Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image tools | 26.1.1 | Android SDK Tools Available Updates: ID | Installed | Available ------- | ------- | ------- emulator | 28.0.22 | 28.0.23 ndk-bundle | 16.1.4479499 | 19.1.5304403