# -*- python -*- # ex: set filetype=python: import os import yaml from pathlib import Path from buildbot.master import BuildMaster from twisted.application import service basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # TODO if file doesn't exist, create it and gen passwords passwords_yaml = Path(basedir).parent / 'passwords.yaml' if not passwords_yaml.exists(): d = { # 'docker': {'docker': 'iyooL5abeiy5eepheilaju2keyiweofe'), 'workers': {'checkupdates': 'Ban9xo4jieTh7Ku3xookocheeyaegei3'}, 'change_source': {'checkupdates': 'ohl3acuD0looCiengob3abae3eiquaec'}, } with passwords_yaml.open('w') as fp: yaml.dump(d, fp) with passwords_yaml.open() as fp: passwords = yaml.safe_load(fp) rotateLength = 10000000 maxRotatedFiles = 10 configfile = 'master.cfg' # Default umask for server umask = None # note: this line is matched against to check that this is a buildmaster # directory; do not edit it. application = service.Application('buildmaster') from twisted.python.logfile import LogFile from twisted.python.log import ILogObserver, FileLogObserver logfile = LogFile.fromFullPath( os.path.join(basedir, "twistd.log"), rotateLength=rotateLength, maxRotatedFiles=maxRotatedFiles, ) application.setComponent(ILogObserver, FileLogObserver(logfile).emit) m = BuildMaster(basedir, configfile, umask) m.setServiceParent(application) m.log_rotation.rotateLength = rotateLength m.log_rotation.maxRotatedFiles = maxRotatedFiles